Number of single-parent families (nuclear households)

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Main indicators:
Proportion of women, headed peasant or farm households (PFH)
Proportion of adults who own the land
Proportion of population with incomes used to consumption that below subsistence line
Proportion of population with incomes used to consumption that below the food basket cost
Additional indicators:
Ratio of income used to consumption with the minimum subsistence level
Number of single-parent families (nuclear households)
Number of registered as socially disadvantaged/dysfunctional/stunded families
Number of recipients of monthly State child allowance under 18 years from families with income lower than the cost of the food basket
Other sources of gender statistics:

Asian Bank

United Nations Entity
for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment
of Women
for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment
of Women

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Secretariat of the Pacific Community

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Bank

United Nations Statistics Division

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

International Labor Organization (ILO)

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

OECD Development Center - online resource on gender equality