Prevelence of deseases caused by deficiency of iodine, by sex

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Main indicators:
Maternal mortality rate
Prevalence rate of circulatory system diseases, by sex
Prevalence rate of incidence of malignant
Prevelence of deseases caused by deficiency of iodine, by sex
Population mortality by causes of death and age groups, by sex, from the circulatory diseases
Share of women with iron-deficiency anaemia
Life expectancy at age 60, by sex
Access to antiretroviral drugs, by sex
Share of women among population aged 15-49 years with HIV/AIDS
Share of adults, with obesity
Prevalence of smoking among the population aged 15 and older
Proportion of births with skilled childbirth
Pre-natal care coverage, including early register of pregnancy up to 12 weeks (up to 12 weeks - at least 1 time, for the entire period of pregnancy - at least 4 times)
Under-five mortality rate
Infant mortality rate (aged under 1 year old)
Share of women (aged 15-49), using contraceptives
Additional indicators:
Pattern of maternal mortality by causes of mortality
Rate of incidence of sexually transmitted infections
Prevalence of HIV infection among women and men (aged 15-49 years)
Number of medical institutes (hospitals)
Number of women of child-bearing age (15-49 years), at year end
Incidence of abortion rate
The mortality rate from breast cancer
Share pf regnant women timely registered in obstetrics clinics
Other sources of gender statistics:

Asian Bank

United Nations Entity
for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment
of Women
for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment
of Women

United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

Secretariat of the Pacific Community

World Health Organization (WHO)

World Bank

United Nations Statistics Division

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

International Labor Organization (ILO)

United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

OECD Development Center - online resource on gender equality