Achieving gender equality is one of the main factors for sustainable human development. Issues of gender equality and the empowerment of women were included on the agenda of all the most important UN conferences, including the Millennium Summit, held in 2000 in New York. This event was the most representative meeting of the highest level which was convened to discuss issues of peace and development.

Gender is a set of social and cultural norms and the roles of men and women, which determine their behavior, as well as the social relationships between them.

Gender equality means that women and men are able to have equal access to any resources and benefits regardless of gender when performing their social functions.

Gender statistics is a collection of data about the situation of both genders in the following areas: population, family, health care, education and communication, employment, human rights and politics. It is considered as one of the most significant tools that allow us to take into account the special characteristics of women and men as specific socio-demographic groups in the development of optimal socio-demographic policy, the implementation of the principle of equal rights and equal opportunities for women and men.

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Users have the right to:
1) simultaneous and equal access to official statistical information according to the schedule of dissemination of official statistical information;
2) to use official statistical information for their own purposes with reference to the source.
Conditions for the use of official statistical information
Users without conclusion of the contract with the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency on Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan can use official statistical information (including repeatedly) freely, free of charge, indefinitely and without limitation of the territory of use, including copy, publish, distribute with reference to the source, modify and combine with other information, as well as use for the purpose of creation of program products and applications.

Where can I turn in case of violation of gender rights?
National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy Office of the Ombudsman
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If you have questions on gender statistics:
You can always contact our staff
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Proportion of population with incomes used to consumption that below the food basket cost Head over >
Proportion of population with incomes used to consumption that below the food basket cost
Proportion of population with incomes used to consumption that below subsistence line Head over >
Proportion of population with incomes used to consumption that below subsistence line
Proportion of adults who own the land Head over >
Proportion of adults who own the land
Proportion of women, headed peasant or farm households (PFH) Head over >
Proportion of women, headed peasant or farm households (PFH)
Ratio of income used to consumption with the minimum subsistence level Head over >
Ratio of income used to consumption with the minimum subsistence level
Number of recipients of monthly State child allowance under 18 years from families with income lower than the cost of the food basket Head over >
Number of recipients of monthly State child allowance  under 18 years from families with income lower than the cost of the food basket
Number of registered as socially disadvantaged/dysfunctional/stunded families Head over >
Number of registered as socially disadvantaged/dysfunctional/stunded families
Number of single-parent families (nuclear households) Head over >
Number of single-parent families (nuclear households)
Employment rate of the population aged 15 years and over, by sex Head over >
Employment rate of the population aged 15 years and over, by sex
Employment rate of the population aged 15-24 years, by sex Head over >
Employment rate of the population aged 15-24 years, by sex
Unemployment rate, by sex and age (years) Head over >
Unemployment rate, by sex and age (years)
Share of self-employed people, by sex Head over >
Share of self-employed people, by sex
Share of households employing helping (unpaid) workers in family organizations, peasant or farm households, by sex Head over >
Share of households employing helping (unpaid) workers in family organizations, peasant or farm households, by sex
Share of employers, by sex Head over >
Share of employers, by sex
Share of emploeyed people working part-time, by sex Head over >
Share of emploeyed people working part-time, by sex
Gender pay gap Head over >
Gender pay gap
Percentage of businesses headed by women, by dimensionality Head over >
Percentage of businesses headed by women, by dimensionality
The level of economic activity of the population (working age) by gender Head over >
The level of economic activity of the population (working age) by gender
Share of employed people by groups of types of economic activities, by sex Head over >
Share of employed people by groups of types of economic activities, by sex
Share of informally working of total employed people in non-agricultural sector, by sex Head over >
Share of informally working of total employed people in non-agricultural sector, by sex
Long-term unemployment rate Head over >
Long-term unemployment rate
Share of women in paid employment in the areas of employment in non-agricultural sectors Head over >
Share of women in paid employment in the areas of employment in non-agricultural sectors
Number of applicant of labour market intermediation services Head over >
Number of applicant of labour market intermediation services
Average number of hours, spent on paid and unpaid housework (total labor burden), by sex Head over >
Average number of hours, spent on paid and unpaid housework (total labor burden), by sex
Share of children aged under 3 years in preschool organisations (kindergartens, mini-centers) Head over >
Share of children aged under 3 years in preschool organisations (kindergartens, mini-centers)
Gross of pre-school education coverage, by sex Head over >
Gross of pre-school education coverage, by sex
Number of preschool institutions Head over >
Number of preschool institutions
Number of registered marriages and divorces Head over >
Number of registered marriages and divorces
Number of recipients of one-time State childbirth allowance Head over >
Number of recipients of one-time State childbirth allowance
Number of recipients of monthly state child-care allowance until the child reaches up to one and a half years Head over >
Number of recipients of monthly state child-care allowance until the child reaches up to one and a half years
Literacy rate among population aged 15–24 years, by sex Head over >
Literacy rate among population aged 15–24 years, by sex
Adjusted enrolment ratio in primary education, by sex Head over >
Adjusted enrolment ratio in primary education, by sex
Gross enrolment rate in secondary school, by age Head over >
Gross  enrolment rate in secondary school, by age
Gross enrolment rate for higher education, by sex Head over >
Gross enrolment rate for higher education, by sex
Ratio of girls and boys on primary, average and higher levels of education (gender parity index) Head over >
Ratio of girls and boys on primary, average and higher levels of education (gender parity index)
Distribution of students by specialities Head over >
Distribution of students by specialities
Share of women among heads of secondary schools and technical and vocational educational institutions Head over >
Share of women among heads of secondary schools and technical and vocational educational institutions
Ratio of women and men with a degree, by branches of science Head over >
Ratio of women and men with a degree, by branches of science
The ratio of women and men in the higher education system at the executive level Head over >
The ratio of women and men in the higher education system at the executive level
Share of population with higher education Head over >
Share of population with higher education
Ratio of women/men by employees, who was carrying out research and development Head over >
Ratio of women/men by employees, who was carrying out research and development
Ratio of women/men by number of specialists researchers Head over >
Ratio of women/men by number of specialists researchers
Share of women (aged 15-49), using contraceptives Head over >
Share of women (aged 15-49), using contraceptives
Infant mortality rate (aged under 1 year old) Head over >
Infant mortality rate  (aged under 1 year old)
Under-five mortality rate Head over >
Under-five mortality rate
Pre-natal care coverage, including early register of pregnancy up to 12 weeks (up to 12 weeks - at least 1 time, for the entire period of pregnancy - at least 4 times) Head over >
Pre-natal care coverage, including early register of pregnancy up to 12 weeks  (up to 12 weeks - at least 1 time, for the entire period of pregnancy - at least 4 times)
Proportion of births with skilled childbirth Head over >
Proportion of births with skilled childbirth
Prevalence of smoking among the population aged 15 and older Head over >
Prevalence of smoking among the population aged 15 and older
Share of adults, with obesity Head over >
Share of adults, with obesity
Share of women among population aged 15-49 years with HIV/AIDS Head over >
Share of women among population aged 15-49 years with HIV/AIDS
Access to antiretroviral drugs, by sex Head over >
Access to antiretroviral drugs, by sex
Life expectancy at age 60, by sex Head over >
Life expectancy at age 60, by sex
Share of women with iron-deficiency anaemia Head over >
Share of women with iron-deficiency anaemia
Population mortality by causes of death and age groups, by sex, from the circulatory diseases Head over >
Population mortality by causes of death and age groups, by sex, from the circulatory diseases
Prevelence of deseases caused by deficiency of iodine, by sex Head over >
Prevelence of deseases caused by deficiency of iodine, by sex
Prevalence rate of incidence of malignant Head over >
Prevalence rate of  incidence of malignant
Prevalence rate of circulatory system diseases, by sex Head over >
Prevalence rate of circulatory system diseases, by sex
Share pf regnant women timely registered in obstetrics clinics Head over >
Share pf regnant women timely registered in obstetrics clinics
The mortality rate from breast cancer Head over >
The mortality rate from breast cancer
Incidence of abortion rate Head over >
Incidence of abortion rate
Number of women of child-bearing age (15-49 years), at year end Head over >
Number of women of child-bearing age (15-49 years), at year end
Number of medical institutes (hospitals) Head over >
Number of medical institutes (hospitals)
Gender distribution of Deputies of Maslikhats Head over >
Gender distribution of Deputies of Maslikhats
Share of women in Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Senate, Mazhilis) Head over >
Share of women in Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Senate, Mazhilis)
Number of women, holding Ministerial positions in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan Head over >
Number of women, holding Ministerial positions in the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Proportion of women in political posts Head over >
Proportion of women in political posts
Proportion of women in managerial positions Head over >
Proportion of women in managerial positions
Number of women and men ambassadors in the Republic of Kazakhstan Head over >
Number of women and men ambassadors in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Share of women in managerial positions in Defence forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan Head over >
Share of women in managerial positions in Defence forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Share of women among judges of the Supreme court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Head over >
Share of women among judges of the Supreme court of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Share of women judges Head over >
Share of women judges
Share of women among heads of labour unions and non-governmental organizations Head over >
Share of women among heads of labour unions and non-governmental organizations
The ratio of women as principal board members of the National bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Head over >
The ratio of women as principal board members of the National bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Share of women-police Head over >
Share of women-police
Share of women heads of higher education institutions (rectors) (membership of heads in higher education institutions) Head over >
Share of women heads of higher education institutions (rectors) (membership of heads in higher education institutions)
Share of women aged 18–49 years, subjected to physical or sexual violence intimate partner abuse over the past 12 months Head over >
Share of women aged 18–49 years, subjected to physical or sexual violence intimate partner abuse over the past 12 months
Share of women and men aged 20-24 years, got married or joined family union up to the age of 18 Head over >
Share of women and men aged 20-24 years, got married or joined family union up to the age of 18
Adolescent fertility rate Head over >
Adolescent fertility rate
Incidence of violence (recorded offences) against women during past period Head over >
Incidence of violence (recorded offences) against women during past period
Number of restraining orders and specified requirements of domestic violence Head over >
Number of restraining orders and specified requirements of domestic violence
Proportion of the population who have received the State-guaranteed legal assistance, by sex Head over >
Proportion of the population who have received the State-guaranteed legal assistance, by sex
Share of adolescents who have received the State-guaranteed legal assistance Head over >
Share of adolescents who have received the State-guaranteed legal assistance
Total number of registered offences Head over >
Total number of registered offences
Information about human trafficking offences Head over >
Information about human trafficking offences
Number of convicted women Head over >
Number of convicted women
Rate of crimes against women Head over >
Rate of crimes against women
Number of police officers for protection women from violence Head over >
Number of police officers for protection women from violence
Number of crisis centres including with shelters (number of men and women who have requested, total, including types of violence) Head over >
Number of crisis centres including with shelters (number of men and women who have requested, total, including types of violence)
Number of men and women among recipients of pensions, by type of neighbors Head over >
Number of men and women among recipients of pensions, by type of neighbors
Number of men and women among recipients of minimal pensions, by type of neighbors Head over >
Number of men and women among recipients of minimal pensions, by type of neighbors
Average amounts of pensions for men and women, by type of neighbors Head over >
Average amounts of pensions for men and women, by type of neighbors
Share of women-recipients of targeted social assistance Head over >
Share of women-recipients of targeted social assistance
Number of recipients of state social benefits Head over >
Number of recipients of state social benefits
Average amount of assigned state social benefits at period end Head over >
Average amount of assigned state social benefits at period end
Share of households using solid fuels Head over >
Share of households using solid fuels
Proportion of total area, equipped with piped water in the house (flat) Head over >
Proportion of total area, equipped with piped water in the house (flat)
Share of Internet users of the total population aged 6-74 years, by sex Head over >
Share of Internet users of the total population aged 6-74 years, by sex
Share of mobile phone users, by sex Head over >
Share of mobile phone users, by sex
The gender inequality index in the Republic of Kazakhstan Head over >
The gender inequality index in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Number of registered small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024 Head over >
Number of registered small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024
Number of active small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024 by region Head over >
Number of active small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024 by region
Distribution of registered small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024 by type of economical activity Head over >
Distribution of registered small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024 by type of economical activity
Distribution of active small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024 by type of economical activity Head over >
Distribution of active small and medium-sized businesses as at 1 january 2024 by type of economical activity
The average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work, by sex Head over >
The average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work, by sex
Share of women aged 18-75 years, physically or sexually abused over the past 12 months, committed by a person, who is not their partner Head over >
Share of women aged 18-75 years, physically or sexually abused over the past 12 months, committed by a person, who is not their partner
Prevalence of HIV infection among women and men (aged 15-49 years) Head over >
Prevalence of HIV infection among women and men (aged 15-49 years)
Maternal mortality rate Head over >
Maternal mortality rate
Rate of incidence of sexually transmitted infections Head over >
Rate of incidence of sexually transmitted infections
Pattern of maternal mortality by causes of mortality Head over >
Pattern of maternal mortality by causes of mortality
Gender Statistics Publications:See all >
Women and men in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan in figures
Demographic Yearbook of Kazakhstan
Videos on gender statistics: